Friday, September 13, 2019

How to talk with a jobseeker about salary

Despite the fact that in most cases the amount of wages is immediately indicated in the text of the vacancy, at the interview you will have to raise the issue of money more than once. There are several reasons for this, and the main one is the opportunity to get a good “discount” for the company and establish a lower salary or special salary conditions. For example, Eichar negotiates with a candidate for a lower rate for the duration of the probationary period and identifies the factors on which future growth depends - fulfillment of sales plans, consistently high KPI, and so on.

Job seekers overestimate financial expectations in a resume by 20-25%, and employers, in turn, try to lower their salary fund costs — you can understand both. However, the task of a competent eychar is to come to an agreement, taking into account the interests of both parties. GorodRabot will tell you how to do it.

During the interview, we advise you to come back several times to discuss the salary, but do not start the meeting with the question “How much money do you want?”.

How to determine the cost
The price of an employee is not only the cost of his professional skills and competencies, but also the cost of living. Some recruiters do not agree with this salary calculation formula - why should an employer be worried about a candidate’s personal financial problems? But it is also impossible to exclude this factor, because the applicant puts up a price tag, taking into account everything - experience, level of knowledge, demand and monthly expenses.

To find out the financial expectations and needs of the candidate, it is not necessary to ask “questions face to face”. Moreover, direct tactics of negotiations will not give the desired result - the applicant can be shy or, on the contrary, greatly embellish everyday life.

During the conversation, we advise you to ask neutral questions such as “Where did you last rest?”, “In which area do you live?”, “What is your hobby?” A complete list of interview questions is here.

You can also find out - the candidate lives in a rented or own apartment, whether there is a mortgage, a car loan or other debts to banks, marital status and family composition.

Professional Market Assessment
“How much do your colleagues earn on average?”

This question will perplex the applicant and knock down the learned answers from the algorithm. At first glance, the question does not concern the candidate, so he will share honest ideas. In addition, the discussion on the adequacy of salaries among colleagues may lead to the thought - “Have I overestimated myself?”

Of course, the employer must also prepare and study the candidate’s professional market - where, how much and for what they pay. On average, salaries for one position can vary up to 30%. The final amount of the monthly payment is affected by the location, size of the business, and responsibilities.

Do not forget that the latest salary statistics can be found on our website.

Why ask about salary
The classic of any interview is two questions about the desired and previous salaries. We ask these questions at the end, after we have described all the advantages of a career in the company, and we advise you.

Raising the topic of the past place of work, ask not only about the amount of salary “on hand”, but also ask for an assessment of your own contribution to the development of the company, and talk about real achievements. Find out if the applicant was satisfied with his salary or considers himself financially undervalued.

When asking about your desired salary amount, always ask for a reasoned answer - “Why are you worth so much?” Often after the interview, the candidate calls the salary higher than in the resume. Discuss with a potential employee the reasons for overstating financial expectations. Maybe the applicant said a higher salary due to a decent list of duties in a particular case, or just realized that it costs more.

The above negotiation methods work great for middle and top level salespeople, for tops and managers, and others - in general, for specialists who are able to qualitatively influence the company's efficiency and personal growth. For line personnel it is better to set a fixed salary.

What to wear for an interview

First, some statistics. According to surveys of 2,000 HR specialists, 55% of employers focus on the clothes of the candidate at the first meeting.

35% of employers make a decision on the applicant within the first 90 seconds, while 65% admitted - appearance may be a determining factor.

70% of employers do not take candidates dressed too fashionably seriously. Absolutely everyone spoke out against bright clothes.

What not
1. I feel so comfortable

Of course, clothes should be comfortable. Cotton and linen fabrics, natural wool and loose fit - a huge selection of stylish and inexpensive things. There is nothing wrong with comfortable clothes.

But we are talking about jeans worn down to holes, stretched T-shirts and slates (and even on the toe) - great for going to the store, not at all suitable for business meetings.

We advise you to start a business outfit for important events - an anniversary, a friend's wedding, an interview.

2. I went out for bread, went for an interview

Yes - it's hot, yes - it's the 21st century in the yard, and nobody cares what you're wearing, but no.

Beach sundresses, shorts and sportswear are left at home. If things are planned before the interview, choose - to bathe in business or to run home to change clothes. No more options.

3. Personality

Even if the interview is held in a company that is democratic in terms of appearance, it is better not to shock the employer on the very first day.

Calm make-up, tidy hair, hide tattoos as much as possible and choose the most neutral clothes - let nothing distract you from talking about work.

How to choose a style
When choosing clothes for an interview, you always need to consider the specifics of the organization. For bookkeeping - a tight tightly closed shirt, a skirt below the knees and a low heel, for an IT company - jeans and a T-shirt are quite suitable.

How to find out how serious a company is? Google to the rescue:

The site of the company. If the site design is designed in strict colors, youth clothing is not an option;
The company's social network (even baking soda has an Instagram account). Watch how employees dress;
The specifics of the organization. If the company is engaged in metallurgy or legal services, most likely the director is a serious man. Buy a jacket.
What to wear - the visual part
And now we come to the main thing - the pictures!

Prepared a couple of onions for a successful interview.

Business suit

Official black suits have long gone out of fashion - replaced by light and light.

How to create a resume without work experience

Work experience is an important part of a resume. This information is used to build almost the entire job search profile. But seniority is not the only way to attract an employer.

Some tips - how to find a job without experience. Suitable for both graduates and experienced professionals who decide to change their profession.

1. Send out a blank resume. More often, the profile of a novice specialist looks sad. Name, contacts, some information about education, from skills - punctuality and learning.

2. False and unnecessary information. The second sin of a newcomer to the labor market is the desire to fill the gaps in the CV with invented and unnecessary biography facts. For example: “I didn’t work as a developer, but I won Mortal Kombat 20 times in a row.” Although we would have been amused by such a summary :)

3. Respond to all vacancies in a row. Remember, this does not work. If you want a good promising job, and not “sit out” a couple of years for experience, the resume should be aimed at one position.

4. Do not write a cover letter. When there is nothing special to brag about professionally, you need to write a letter both before and after. In general, get the employer and get feedback in any way.

How to
Read the detailed federal resume guide.

But a resume without experience is still different. Here, all the emphasis is on the cover letter and the column “About Me”. This is the only way to impress and engage the employer.

Many mistakenly perceive this part of the resume as a formality, write standard unsubscribes about sociability and murderous “please consider my candidacy for the position ...”

Transmittal letter
A cover letter should answer 2 questions - Why us (motivation to work)? Why are you (motivation for the position)?

Explain the desire to work in the company is quite simple - study the social networks of the company and employees, the official website. Emphasize the similarity of opinions, views and development opportunities. Motivate the desire to become part of the team with corporate values ​​and sympathy for the brand of the company as a whole.

Then tell me why you chose this position and decided to work in this direction. Do not forget to dwell on what you already know how and what you plan to learn in the near future.

About myself
You can’t write an autobiography, talk about a hobby, list personal qualities that are not applicable in a professional environment.

Here you need to talk about the relevant unearned experience. For example: participation in events, olympiads, contests, organizations, interest clubs - which have something in common with the post.

In this part of the resume, you can tell in more detail why the profession and sphere are interesting, how you are developing in the chosen direction, who you see yourself in 5 years, what you are striving for.

At the end, we listed specialized books and courses that I managed to study, as well as personal qualities that are useful in the profession.

If you still have work experience, but it’s not suitable, or you did an internship, be sure to write about it in the resume. Move the main focus not to the sphere of activity and place of work, but to duties and competencies useful in a particular case.

For example: a math teacher has been trained and is looking for work as a PHP programmer - the option below is how he can talk about his work experience, focusing on skills useful in the field of development.

How to sell a pen - response script at an interview

Buy a pen!
The same classic sales strategy works here:

Identifying or creating needs
Work with objections
Decisive arguments
Closing a deal
Go. We play a dialogue with an imaginary employer: K - candidate, P - employer.

K: Good afternoon, my name is Eugene, and I represent the company Pens to People - for 30 years we have been leaders in the field of writing instruments.

Identification and creation of needs
K: I see you use pens - let me ask you a few questions?

R: Of course.

Q: How often do you use pens?

R: Quite often, every day - for sure.

Q: Do you use the pen only in your office / at work or do you need a pen on trips and meetings?

R: More often in the office, but sometimes I write something outside the office.

Q: What is important to you in a pen?

R: I like blue ink so that it is compact, does not leak and does not smear, and wrote well.

K: This is incredible, but I have a pen especially for you. This instance is made of especially lightweight plastic, the design is developed taking into account ergonomics and space saving. It is lightweight and compact. German ink, by the way - blue, write well, do not smear and leak.

The usual price is 120 rubles, but today it’s only 50.

Work with objections
R: It's all great, but I already have a pen.

K: Leave it for work, and carry this with you. You are not tired of these dirty pens on shoelaces in banks and at the post office? This pen is small and simply fits in any pocket. Conveniently!

R: Listen, but it’s uncomfortable, and I don’t want to pay 50 rubles for a ballpoint pen.

K: Let's agree - you are now buying a pen, and I give you 2 weeks of test use. If after 14 days your opinion does not change, I will return 99% of the cost.

Do you understand what the trick is?

Questions help you know the needs of the buyer and offer him exactly what he wants. In a specific case, in the “Presentation” section, you need to repeat all the employer's answers from the “Identification and Creation of Needs” section.

Another trick - even if the buyer refuses the product after 2 weeks, you still earned 1%, because 99% promised to return. So - they sold the pen, now you should be hired!

How to quickly find a job

Everyone was faced with a job search, but where to look for normal vacancies and how not to hang in the status of the applicant for six months - only specialists in the subject will tell about this. GorodRabot team, for example.

We gathered experience and website development in order to once and for all answer the question - how to quickly find a job.

Where and how to search
All the possibilities on the Internet, including career. Register on the site - it’s convenient with us, here are all the offers of the most popular Runet job sites. About 1.5 million vacancies. We will not tire of talking about this.

Faster job seekers who know what they are looking for. Therefore, immediately decide - where, by whom and for how much you want to work.

From our own observations, let's say that the response to all vacancies indiscriminately does not give a result. Look for work on filters, do not waste time. Immediately set the desired salary, scope, position. Please note that in some industries it is customary to arrange money for an interview, in this case, leave a check mark in the “By arrangement” box.

You can filter vacancies with the help of keywords - just enter the name of the position or company, employment or city in the search box of the site.

Sign up for job postings. This can be done on the search page - set the necessary filters and the frequency of distribution. A selection of fresh job offers will come via email or in the form of push notifications. Quickly, conveniently, minimum body movements.

How to become noticeable
Put in order and post a resume, better - make a new one.

More often applicants make two mistakes:

Do not update resume
Send the same resume
From the experience of the company, we immediately reject irrelevant resumes. For example, if they respond to the post of Assistant Editor with the questionnaire of the Office Manager or Administrator.

A resume is a chance to hook an employer. The recruiter looks at the candidate's profile for a maximum of 30 seconds. If the applicant has not bothered to draw up the document correctly and beautifully, no one will understand.

How to create a competitive resume - here.

Do not forget the cover letter. Learn to write the right and not boring. This is another chance to please the employer and tell you more about yourself. What attracts you to work, experience in the field, why the employer is interesting - this is the main thing that should be in the letter. Read more in the full article on the topic.

Well, advice for the most motivated. If you really want to work in a particular company - respond to the vacancy not only on the job site. Find the employer's contacts and email the manager, recruiter or owner.

Once again, tell us about the ardent desire to work in the company, attach examples of work, describe in more detail real professional achievements. Moreover, even if there are no suitable vacancies, the employer can find an internship or related work.